Last monday morning I arrived early in my studio. I had an itching to pick up some paper and start drawing. I found some paper and feltpens and started with some simple lines. For some reason, it had some resistance. The feeling was that something was holding me back and the flow of the lines was hard to make. I struggled, but as it allways is, continuing making the drawing pays of. Its like breaking through a wall. Suddenly things start to fit and feel right. My stream of consciousness appeared there, right in front of me! Manifested as this drawing. After drawing I decided to do something I have never even thought of before - make an auction on instagram! The thought hit me like a lightning bolt and instead of questioning the idea - I posted on my instagram @reddymade_ I had no expectations to as if anyone would take this seriously, or if the drawing would be sold, but I went with the flow. The auction lasted five days and ended last friday… drawing was sold for 2800,- to some happy artcollectors! It was fun… Im quite sure Im gonna have to do this again. Will you join in and take part next time?
«Streaming through your senses»
60x84cm. Various ink on 280grms. paper 2020